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Take Casper

Stand out from the crowd by helping higher education programs better understand who you are, beyond your grades.

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What is the Casper test?

Casper is an open-response situational judgment test that measures aspects of your social intelligence and professionalism, like ethics, empathy, problem-solving and collaboration.


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What is Duet?

Duet is a value-alignment assessment that compares your preferences and values with programs’ unique offerings.


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Book your test today

All schools set specific dates for the Casper test. Search for a school to discover their requirements and book your test.

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Schools using Casper

Why am I being asked to take Casper?

Hundreds of higher education programs use Casper to get a well-rounded view of each applicant. Casper assesses personal and professional skills, helping programs make more fair decisions than solely relying on traditional tools like GPA or knowledge-based exams.

Learn more about Casper

How do I prepare for Casper?

The best way to prepare for Casper is to get comfortable with the test format. You can do this by taking our free practice test once you’ve registered for an Acuity Insights account or by checking out our test preparation pages.

Learn more about preparing for Casper

Do I have to take Casper and Duet in the same sitting?

No. Although you must take the Casper test at a specific date and time, you can complete Duet (if required) anytime after booking Casper, as long as you take it before your distribution deadline. We recommend taking it within 14 days of Casper so your program(s) can consider them together.

If you are required to take Duet, it will be available in your Acuity Insights account once you’ve booked a Casper test.

Learn more about Duet